There are some who, when they call Karri and I to catch up, will first think to ask about how the move went. The move went great. Running boxes up two flights of stairs made a fantastic lower body workout, followed by strapping our box spring, oversized loveseat, and full-size couch into tow lines and praying that our little balcony would prove sturdily built. At one point, the couch was perched on our 2-inch-wide railing, 20 percent over the balcony and 80 percent hanging over the street. Panicked, Karri’s mom and stepmom and myself summoned all the adrenaline we could and heaved it the rest of the way. I wish we had more pictures, but as I’m sure you can imagine, we were quite concerned about other matters.

There are some who, when they call Karri and I to catch up, will first think to ask about whether it feels like home yet. It’s never going to be Fort Wayne, but we’re very comfortable in our apartment. We’re meeting our neighbors, finding the essentials (the Blockbuster, the Target, the Coffee Roaster), and hanging things on the wall, which has a certain way of giving a space the feeling of permanence. We are starting to run out of things to do, though, and for want of a job for me, and the start of classes for Karri, and not much community and not much money, we’re getting a bit restless. We do think of home a lot, and love it when we hear from you. (Comment on the blog, by the way! I love to hear from you!)

There are some who, when they call Karri and I to catch up, will first think to ask how the job search is going. It’s been up and down. An early opening at Starbucks led to several days of not hearing anything. This prompted a good deal of worry, and a greater impetus to find something new. I’ve been sending resumes out quite frequently, to businesses, schools, and studios, but have yet to hear back. Then, just today, I spoke to the Starbucks manager again, and things seem to be all set but for the background check. (Here’s hoping they don’t count my record in Kentucky…) So I may be gainfully employed very soon. Please continue to pray.
There are some who, when they call Karri and I to catch up, will first think to ask all these things. But the men I’ve shared life with, the brothers who know me in my inner self, the real Jim, the profound and genuine Jim, always ask one thing. “Have you had your first real cheese steak yet? How was it?”